Notebooks And Birds

Notebooks And Birds

The Humble Notebook One piece of backyard birding equipment that is often forgotten is the humble notebook. If you keep one somewhere near to where you spend the most time viewing your feeders, it will be on hand for members of your family to record what is happening at any time. It is a good … Read more

Identification Practice, Little Brown Birds

Picture of a house finch bird.

I had a visitor to my backyard the other day that was a bit of a challenge for me and in attempting to identify her, I did something I have never done before. But more on that below. Remember, when you come across an unfamiliar bird, do not reach for your field guide first. The bird … Read more

How To Make Suet For Birds

How To Make Suet For Birds

Suet is a much loved treat for insect-eating birds. It provides them with the protein they need and helps insect-eating birds such as woodpeckers through the winter when the insects are scarce. Suet is actually the fat from around the kidney and can be served as is (although it will turn rancid) or rendered. You … Read more

Getting Ready For Fall Bird Feeding

Fall Bird Feeding

Labor Day has long been a signal to Americans to begin preparing for fall. Many people are also seasonal bird feeders, and thus will be putting out feeders soon to help their feathered friends make it through the winter or prepare for migration. In the natural world, fall brings bounty. It can be difficult to … Read more

Enjoying The Raptor Migration

Raptor Migration

Although some species of raptors can end up being a pest at your feeders, nonetheless they are amazing birds to watch. One of the most exhilarating and exciting experiences I have ever had during my backyard birding was the day that a red tailed hawk decided to visit our yard. Every fall, these magnificent birds migrate south … Read more